Ultima X: Odyssey Combat Interview, Part One

RPGVault has posted the first installment of a new interview they’ve conducted with Origin’s senior producer Rick Hall about the combat system in their upcoming MMORPG, Ultima X: Odyssey. A snippet:

Q: After you’ve decided to attack, how much player activity is there during a fight – can or must you do things like swing your weapon, target a certain part of the opponent, or vary your aggressiveness?

A: The actual fight itself will be a fast paced flurry of activity. By timing each swing of the sword, choosing strategic moments to enter active defense, adjusting to the changing tactics of the creatures, judiciously using special abilities, and maneuvering aggressively, players will have a good bit of flexibility in how they approach each and every fight.

We won’t be quite so detailed as to allow players to select target body parts on the monsters, though. We actually considered something like that for a while, but decided it was simply too complicated for most players. There has to be a balance between the number of options a player is presented with and becoming so complicated that the system becomes cumbersome. At least within our Ultima X: Odyssey combat system, that level of detail quickly seemed to become overwhelming.

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