Ultima Online Five on Friday Q&A

This week’s “Five on Friday” Q&A feature on the official Ultima Online website covers questions about macros in Stygian Abyss, new item effects, poison potencies, and more.

Is it possible in SA to macro everything that you can macro in 2D & UOA, or in regards to UOA at least as far as using pots, dressing, arming, recording and targeting with the mouse wheel?

We are actually working on a feature that will allow you to import your 2d macros into the SA client. So yes when this feature is complete, every macro you could make in 2d will also be possible in SA.

Much of the functionality from UOAssist is already in the SA client. It might just take some getting used to the new UI. We’ve also removed the code that made it difficult for developers of approved third-party programs to support the new client.

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