Ultima Online Five on Friday Q&A

Yet another “Five on Friday” Q&A feature is available on the official Ultima Online website.

The description for the new Imbuing skill says: "artificers can imbue items with whatever properties they desire." Will it actually work that way? Will we be able to pick and choose what specific properties we can imbue into a weapon? Also, how will the amount of properties and intensities of those properties be decided?

  • An artificer’s Imbuing skill level and the materials in her backpack determine what item properties and magic potency she can bestow to an item.
  • Imbuing increases in difficulty when an item has more properties and greater magic potency.
  • The item cannot possess more than 5 item properties.
  • An artificer can only imbue jewelry, melee weapons, missile weapons, armor, and shields.
  • The intensity value of an imbued item property cannot exceed the Quality Ranges listed on the following website: http://uoherald.com/guide/guide.php?guideId=56
  • Items cannot be imbued with item properties that they normally could not have (e.g., Demon Slayer cannot be imbued on armor, +skill item properties cannot be imbued on weapons, etc.) The website referenced above lists the item properties possible for jewelry, melee weapons, missile weapons, armor, and shields.


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