Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar v1.6.55 Patch Released

A new patch has been released for Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar, Mythic’s free-to-play title based on the Ultima series, and it brings a series of balance fixes and bug tweaks and even some new content for the title. Here’s the full changelog:


  • Changes to Gear Damage: Worn items will no longer be degraded as a result of combat damage! Instead, gear has a chance to be damaged only upon player death. So do your best to stay alive!
  • New Respawn Options: When you die, you now have the following choices: for a small Gold Key cost, you may respawn at your current location with no damage to your gear; or you may respawn for free at your last checkpoint, risking item damage.
  • Combat Rebalanced: Monster difficulty has been re-tuned, higher-level monsters are now more dangerous. As a result, you’ll want to pay closer attention to your Dungeon Loadout rating, and remember the benefits of grouping up with other players!
  • Healing Potions: Monsters now drop healing potions in addition to Keys and healing pickups. Due to this change, healing potions no longer drop from chests.
  • Better Freeform Quests: Many freeform quests are now automatically granted if you obtain the related quest item, and are not already on the associated quest.
  • Level 14 Made Easier: The total Virtue required to get through level 14 is now drastically reduced. Many level 14 players will find themselves at level 15 with their next Virtue gain. Please note that no Virtue was lost as a result of this change; any Virtue previously earned in level 14 will contribute towards capping out level 15.
  • Boss Chest: Purchasing the boss chest now also grants an appropriate Rare freeform quest item. Limited Time Offers: During the Tutorial, players will be offered a one-time discounted purchase of Keys.
  • Friends Notifications: Receive a center-screen message when your friends log into the game. Rarity Stars: Not all equipment was created equal. When considering what equipment to wear, you’ll now see an item rating – in addition to rarity – represented by a star rating. The more stars, the better the item is.
  • Improved Audio Performance: Additional tweaks to the audio system have been made to further improve game performance.
  • Easier to login using Facebook: Ultima Forever now uses the Facebook iOS SDK making it much easier to authenticate and log in with Facebook.


  • Infinite Dungeons: Visit one of three new infinite dungeons: The Vault of Fear, The Vault of Lies or the Vault of Hate. Open to players level 5 or higher. Infinite means infinite these Vaults never end, and get progressively more difficult the further you go! The Vaults reward players with special vanity sets that provide protection against all monsters in Britannia! Track your success in each of the Vaults with Leaderboards. How far can you get before dying? Don’t be Influenced: New setting available to suppress Virtue tags in moral quandary conversations so you can truly go your own way.
  • Item Store: The item store makes its debut! Open the Key store and switch to the Items tab to find potions, cards, vanity gear and limited time offers available for direct Key purchase. New Specialty Chests: All multiplayer puzzle-gated chests in each dungeon have been replaced with a special chest that grants one more guaranteed item per key type!
  • New Card Reputation Gain: ‘˜The Hermit’ and ‘˜The Lover’ cards have returned as +10% Reputation Gain and +25% Reputation Gain bonuses from dungeon completion.
  • New Card Death Recovery: When equipped, ‘˜The Gypsy’ card has a chance to immediately revive the player at 25% of their maximum health instead of dying.

Bug Fixes and Minor Features

  • Age gate has been added to the game; users who are underage will not have access to Chat and other social features.
  • All Boost Cards now sort properly by rarity level
  • Fixed an issue with equipment stat display if a piece of equipment was broken while the equipment dialog window was up
  • Tapping on an ability slot will now always close all open HUD menus
  • Having an item break when the vanity equipment slots are showing in the gear sheet will no longer display repair buttons
  • When entering a dungeon, the worn equipment tab will always display by default, instead of the vanity tab displaying in some circumstances
  • The group leave audio will no longer play on the loading screen when logging in Ranged attacks by monsters will now check collision with objects better
  • Fixed an issue where multiple iOS alerts would overlap each other
  • Reworked audio interrupt handing so device music and game music should more seamlessly start and stop when appropriate
  • When a friend logs on, the user will now be badged in the friends list
  • Fixed an issue where cards would not auto equip correctly
  • Fixed an issue where a slow client would get disconnected sometimes when loading into an area
  • Fixed an issue where logging in with Game Center could freeze the game client
  • Fix for getting disconnected when hitting the back button during character creation
  • Fixed an issue where potions could be used after dying to a trap
  • Fixed a crash when exiting the app during patching
  • Fixed an issue where other players could be seen walking on water or through walls
  • Fixed an issue where the UI would become unresponsive after swipe/pan touch events
  • Manually equipping cards during dungeon load out will now update the dungeon difficulty rating
  • Stats on the character sheet will now be colored red if an item has been damaged and has caused a loss of that stat
  • Clicking a red colored stat on the character sheet will visually pulse the damaged item(s) responsible for the stat loss
  • Fixed an issue where closed HUD screens could still be interacted with in some situations
  • Added new settings window, moved the option to disable/enable overhead chat bubbles into new settings window
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial could get stuck when tapping the tutorial chests rapidly
  • Cards with Death Recovery, Bonus Score, Item Break Reduction and Cooldown Reduction are now prevented from stacking on the dungeon equip window. For these types of cards, it is now only possible to equip one at a time.
  • Fix for character create issue where portrait chosen would not be the one assigned to the player
  • Fixed an issue in the Tutorial where the equip item sequence could break, preventing the Tutorial from being completed
  • Fixed a crash when the game was in the background and no servers are available to log into
  • Fixed an issue where pushable objects would show push arrow options that weren’t actually possible
  • Fix for an issue where the boss loot window would allow players to open the boss loot chest even if they didn’t have enough inventory space available for the boss loot they would earn
  • Fix for an issue where vanity items would appear to be broken when they were not
  • Fixed a crash when the game is interrupted during video playback
  • Fixed an exploit in challenge rooms that allowed damage to be avoided
  • Fixed an issue when logging out during a specific point in the Tutorial could cause the Tutorial to break
  • Fixed an issue where if players are logged out while an item dialogue is up, it caused an item dialogue to appear on top of the login screen
  • Fixed an issue where the Dungeon Flee button would sometimes not appear
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Tutorial to break during the Reputation portion of the Tutorial
  • Fixed a crash when the dungeon scoreboard was left up when sending the app to the background
  • Fixed hair clipping issues with some helmets
  • Fixed an issue in Mount Greatcrag where a wall would disappear when destroyed, instead of crumbling
  • Fixed an issue in Mount Greatcrag where players could get stuck while using jump abilities
  • Fixed an issue in Smuggler’s Harbour that would limit the distance players could see monsters at
  • Fixed issue with text display for vanity items on iPhones
  • Fixed a localization issue with the Repair All button in some languages
  • Fixed issue with music events not firing properly in Scalewood
  • Fixed an issue in Scalewood where players could get stuck when the gate open cinematic plays
  • Fixed inventory display issue on iPhone 5, 5s and 5c
  • Fixed an issue with the location the Jhelom moongate teleports the player to
  • Fixed a sorting issue with icon rarity and stack counts
  • Fixed an issue where skipping a cinematic with Lady British could result in a black screen when leaving the throne room
  • Fix for some inventory items missing icons
  • Fixed an issue with weapon VFX not displaying for female mages
  • Fix for Timber Trouble quest in Paws where it cannot be completed if players level beyond the quest while working towards completing the quest
  • Fixed an issue that could break the Tutorial if the tentacles are attacked more than once
  • Fixed an issue where Baron Elyl in Bog Spire could attack players during his opening cinematic
  • Fixed an issue with the multiplayer chests in Scalewood sometimes not functioning correctly
  • Fixed issues with Scalewood boss encounters
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