Ultima 6 Project Beta 1.1 Released

While it’s perhaps a bit of an odd match, the quest to remake Ultima VI: The False Prophet in the Dungeon Siege engine has been trucking along for quite some time now. With the release of the Ultima 6 Project beta version 1.1, now you can enjoy the classic game running on (relatively) more modern technology.

It is with much pleasure that we announce the release of the 1.1 Public Beta Release of Team Archon’s Ultima 6 Project, for Dungeon Siege 1 (PC and Mac). Some things to look forward to in this release:

  • Both English and French versions
  • Brand-new Moongate subsystem that now scales things don’t break later in the game any more
  • Generally better performance major optimization of various components and special effects
  • Huge enhancements to the dungeon map system new (helper) pins and better maps to make our immense dungeons easier to navigate or optionally, just as hard as before if you disable the helper pins
  • Many quest improvements
  • Many dozens of bug-fixes
  • Far more accurate world map coordinates
  • It should be noted that anyone using a previous version will have to uninstall it prior to installing the 1.1 Public Beta Release, and start a new game

Please note there are a lot of problems that have already been reported that we could either a) not fix for various reasons, or b) we’re not going to spend the time to fix, so please don’t be upset if we don’t fix the bug you found. We’re trying to wrap up this project and put it to bed; unfortunately that has to happen someday, so some bugs will indeed go un-fixed. The plan is to only leave those bugs that we can live with, or just can’t fix for whatever reason. But we’re pretty proud of this release.

If you find problems with the release, want to exchange play hints with other players, want to give us kudos, or (heaven forbid) want to tell us what you really think, join us at our forums. We have set up a special forum for the 1.1 Public Beta Release on the Project Britannia forums: (http://www.projectbritannia.com/index.php).

To download the 1.1 Public Beta Release, go to the Ultima 6 Project web site at: http://www.u6project.com/

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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