Two Shadowbane Q&A’s

Shadowbane Warcry has posted a double dose of Shadowbane Q&A’s today. The first one is with Bernard “Bernie” Yee, vice president of publishing for En-Tranz Entertainment, publisher of Shadowbane for Asia and the Pacific region. A snippet:

    Q: Others have said Shadowbane isn’t going to be for everyone, though. Do you agree with that? How’s that going to affect what you do?

    A: Well, no game can attract everyone. So sure, it’s not for everyone. I think that SB gets a bad rap in a lot of ways — PKing will be common, but it’s not the same experience as it was in UO for instance. SB might not appeal to the strict PvE player but I hope they have an open mind — they may find SB’s brand of PvP much more fun than they think.

    Our goal, as is Wolfpack’s, is to make sure everyone has a good time.

The second one is with Josh “Obregon” Galloway, senior Project Manager and Producer for En-Tranz Entertainment. A snippet:

    Q: What experience have you had as a player with MMOGs?

    A: My friends and I all played a little D&D in high school. And I played a couple of MUDs starting back in 1991. The last MUD I played was probably Eternal City. When I was working at GT Interactive I worked with a couple of guys from the Sony test group. Through their contacts a few of us got into the first round of the Everquest beta.

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