Two Mythic Lawsuit Interviews

Mark Jacobs, president and CEO of Mythic Entertainment, talks with both HomeLan Fed and RPGVault about their lawsuit against Microsoft. Here’s a snip from the HomeLan Fed Q&A:

Q: Finally is there anything else you wish to say about this legal action against Microsoft?

A: I wish we didn’t have to do this. Mythic has never initiated a lawsuit in its history and this is not a step we took lightly. Microsoft is one of the most powerful companies in the world and we took this action only when we saw that we had no other choice if we wanted to protect one of our company’s most valuable assets, its name. What surprises me about this situation is that is that Microsoft is in the midst of suing the creators of Lindows and has said many of the same things that we have said about the value of our trademarks. Apparently, a Microsoft trademark is invested in, respected and protected heavily by Microsoft while a Mythic trademark doesn’t command the same respect and apparently is one that they feel they can ignore.

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