Troika’s Post-Apocalyptic RPG Q&A

Duck and Cover has published a Q&A with Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky, in which the developer discusses their unannounced post-apocalyptic RPG quite extensively. Here’s a little something to get you started:

Q: Are you planning to make the game default to a top-down viewpoint, similar to the isometric view used in the Fallout games? Party based or single player (I would consider Fallout to be single player based) based? ‘Mature’ or ‘Teen’ rated?

A: The view that is shown in the screen shots is what we are considering the default view. You can zoom in and out and rotate the map, but the viewing angle stays the same. Originally we designed the engine to handle over the shoulder third person or even first person views (and it does so quite well), as our giant project with unlimited funds dream is to have a game where you explore first person (or maybe over the shoulder, haven’t decided yet) and then go to (isometric) third person for combat. This would take a huge amount of resources, both programming and art and therefore a relatively high budget, so don’t expect to see it anytime soon. But we’re ready for it should the situation present itself!

The party based vs single player choice is a tough one. I’ve always been partial to the single player, but a lot of people (both internally and fans) have been very vocal about having control over your party members, at least in combat. I’m not sure which way we may end up going with this game, this will definitely be a subject for serious debate. And knife fights.

By default we seem to lean towards Mature oriented material without even really thinking about it. We’re twisted and it comes through in our work, what can I say. Having said that, I think we could make just as good a game under a Teen rating, it would just force us to be more inventive and subversive. Kind of like how early rock and roll had to come up with different inventive ways of talking about sex, but once it became okay to just graphically talk about it some of the poetry and creativity went out of it. The only thing that would really suck about having to do a teen game is that we’d have to lose the gory deaths. I don’t know if I can live with that.

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