Trio of Legends of Aranna Reviews

The web has been hit with three new reviews of Gas Powered Games and Mad Doc’s Legends of Aranna expansion for Dungeon Siege. The first is over at GameSpy with a score of 4/5:

Although Dungeon Siege II is still a ways away, Legends of Aranna is almost a full-fledged sequel in its own right. Not only do you get the full original game, but you also get a new campaign with a more than respectable amount of game time, new spells, treasures, monsters, and improved interface options. It may be “only” an expansion pack, but it’s also one of the best bargains of the year.

The second is at IGN with a score of 7/10:

Dungeon Siege fans that are just looking for another land to run through in order to slaughter masses of maddened monsters will find exactly what they’re looking for. Legends of Aranna doesn’t add enough new content or new ideas to mark it as a good expansion, but doesn’t skimp enough to really call foul and give the developers the finger either.

And the final review is at GameZone Online with a score of 8.5/10:

Legends of Aranna is, essentially, much more of the same in relationship to Dungeon Siege. The game has some flaws, and is a simplistic quest-driven dungeon crawl. Find the bad guy, kill the bad guy; or clear out the dungeon, which has been overrun with mobs. Don’t go looking for a deep storyline here, you won’t find it.

But that is not to say this game is not good – quite the contrary. The game is a treat for the eyes and ears, and the adventure, while not deep, is entertaining. The maps for Aranna are huge and the action is almost non-stop. Legends of Aranna will certain please fans of the original DS title, and may make for a pleasant diversion for those new to series.

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