Trials of Atlantis Review

Gamer’s Depot has posted a review of Trials of Atlantis, giving the Dark Age of Camelot expansion an overall score of 4/5. An excerpt to follow:

DAoC: The Trials of Atlantis has all the best features of a great expansion tons of new game play options, huge new worlds to explore, lots of graphics and character enhancements, and several varied challenges to offer to players who may have topped out in previous releases in the series. It’s clear that Mythic has put tons of effort into this title, and players who’ve immersed themselves into the world of DAoC are going to find a lot to like about the Trials of Atlantis. Though the game does not require you to have a 40th level character already in play to fire it up, only experienced players with that type of character are going to be able to get the most out of this expansion. If you’re new to DAoC, our suggestion to you would be to get started on the original and work your way up to this title, as you’re going to have a difficult time starting out on the ground floor with this third release in the series. The final verdict? DAoC: The Trials of Atlantis is an outstanding next step for seasoned players, but newbies likely need not apply.

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