Trials of Atlantis and the Camelot Player

Mythic’s Matt Firor stopped by the Camelot Herald to provide some insight on certain elements they’re working on with the new expansion. Here’s a bit of what he had to say:

What we will do for tomorrow’s live version:

– We are addressing player dismay over the slow Master Level Encounter spawn rates by raising the percentage chance to spawn of specific creatures currently acting as bottlenecks. The average spawn time for these popular creatures will now be around an hour. Remember, that’s an average – sometimes it will take more time, sometimes it will take less time. Watch the patch notes for specifics.

– We are increasing the number of monsters in Atlantis that give Master Level experience. Now, when you kill any Artifact boss (named), you’ll get Master level experience.

– There was an issue where sometimes players in Battlegroups would not get credit for completing a Master Level encounter, where some others in the fight would. This is not a bug – some Master Level encounters are set up to be completed by one group, and others for larger groups of groups (i.e. battlegroups). The encounters that are designed to be completed by ONLY one group correctly give credit to the members of the group that actually complete the Trial. The problem is that there is currently no way for players to know which Trials give credit to everyone in the battlegroup, and which ones give credit only to the members of the group that actually completes the step. Now your TOA Master Level status window will note which encounters are group-based, and which give an entire battlegroup credit.

Other items that we are working on and will come to Pendragon in the extremely near future for testing:

– A way to give players that have already completed a Trial the ability to get Master Level experience for completing the trial again if they are helping lower-level players who haven’t yet completed that trial step. This will encourage experienced Atlantis players to help out those who are completing a lower trial for the first time.

– Currently, players that die in in the middle of a Trials encounter do not receive credit for completing the step. Those that are alive at the end are awarded credit for completing the Trial step, but those that died are not. We are working on a change so that even the dead get credit for completing the trial step.

– We’ll make it so you can tell if a monster gives Master Level experience by clicking on it – so you won’t have to kill one first to see.

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