Transistor Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC at Release, Mac and Linux Later

Yet another E3 announcement to report, as we now know the platforms Transistor, Supergiant’s new 2d action-RPG, will be releasing to. You can expect to be able to play Transistor at release date (estimate being early next year) on PlayStation 4 and Steam, while Mac and Linux versions will be coming later:

One of the most common questions we get about our next game is, which platforms is it coming to? Today we’re excited to have a specific answer for you at last: When Transistor is released sometime early next year, it will be available day one for PlayStation 4, and for PC on Steam. We plan to bring the game to Linux and Mac afterwards, and haven’t ruled anything out beyond that.

You may know that our first game, Bastion, is available for more than six different platforms at this point. But it started on just one. We were still working on new versions of Bastion more than a year after the initial launch on Xbox LIVE Arcade. The main reason Bastion ended up in so many places, of course, is because a lot of people liked the game. And the main reason a lot of people liked it is because we were able to create the game we wanted to make in the first place, by not spreading our focus too thin and making sure Bastion ran great on XBLA, then on Steam, and so on. So, in short: Our strategy of focusing on a console/PC launch worked well on Bastion so we’re doing it again on Transistor.

You can also find a FAQ for the game on the official website:

Who is the publisher of Transistor?
We are publishing Transistor ourselves. We had a great experience working with Warner Bros. as our distribution partner on Bastion though this time around we wanted to see if we could do it on our own.

Where did you get funding for Transistor?
As with Bastion, we are self-funding Transistor, and have not sought or accepted funding from any outside sources. This means we can make the game we want to make on our own terms and timeline. We’ve re-invested the money we made from Bastion into this game.

Will Transistor ever come to other platforms?
All our focus is on the successful launch of Transistor on the PlayStation 4 and PC. We will work to bring the game to Linux and Mac afterwards. Beyond that, we don’t have any specific plans but have not ruled anything out. As with Bastion, the quality of Transistor is our primary concern, and that means having to stay focused on supporting a small number of platforms where we think the game can have the biggest initial impact.

Your first game launched on only one platform. Why launch on two this time?
Bastion debuted on Xbox LIVE Arcade and came to Steam three weeks later, so the two versions launched very close to each other. Since then, our team has grown to some extent so now we feel confident we have the bandwidth to support a simultaneous launch on two platforms. Of all the versions of Bastion we shipped, we have the biggest audience on Steam, so it was very important to us to be there day one this time around.

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