Train Valley 2 Level Editor Now Available on Steam

Hail, Train Valley 2 fans! A little while ago I wrote another article talking about Train Valley 2 winning the DevGAMM. But, now we’re back with more news for you. And, for the more die hard fans out there, this one will be exciting. That’s right, there is now a Train Valley 2 level editor for you to explore to your hearts content. You can the full details of the update on their Steam page.

Flazm has released a video showing off how the level editor works for anyone who is interested.

Edit your own levels

So, the way it works is much like you would expect. Once you have the level editor, you can then browse to see all the available levels. You will be able to see levels that other people have built that you can subscribe to and play yourself. Then of course, you can build your own levels from scratch. And, that’s the fun part.

The level editor itself is fairly straight forward. The video above shows off the basic tools to begin with but there is a 3 part series to them. So, if you are wanting to learn everything you possibly can I suggest you go and watch those.

There are so many tools to utilise including different painting styles; so you can have an all desert terrain or go for something more forest like. You can also raise and lower the terrain to build mountains and valleys (as the title of the game suggests). There are even options for environment building so you can add trees and rocks to make it more authentic.


Build and play

Does this sound like your cup of tea? Why not check out Train Valley 2 now on Steam. Bear in mind, it is still in Early Access which means that there are likely to be a few bugs. But from what we can tell, the team are really on top of things and are working on fixes as we speak! Go ahead and check it out now.

Played around with the Train Valley 2 level editor? Let us know what you thought!

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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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