TORN Developer Diary

RPGVault has posted a developer diary by the designer of Black Isle’s TORN, Dave Maldonado. Here’s a snippet:

    Those who’ve read the various TORN previews, interviews, and/or perused the message boards likely know that the idea behind it is to create a whole new world (conveniently named “Torn,” so that no one has to grasp for the name when stammering on about the game in a drunken stupor), driven by a variant of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, the rules set behind Fallout I & II and a fancy acronym. The local Powers That Be decreed that “High-Fantasy, 3D, Multiplayer Capability, and Real-Time Are Good” (I agree with those points – not that I’d ever argue, though, what with all the lightning and fire and pink slips and so on)… and so high-fantasy, 3D, multiplayer-capable and real-time it is. As a side note, the LithTech engine is helping us out on the 3D and multiplayer capability end, while a few tweaky-tweakies to the rules got S.P.E.C.I.A.L. chugging along nicely in real-time.

Check out what else he talks about by clicking here.

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