Torchlight II Review

In case you wanted to read another critique for Runic’s latest, Torchlight II, you’ll be pleased to know that Worthplaying has whipped their own review for the title. If you want to know why they awarded it a 9/10, you might start from this snippet:

Enjoying my time with Torchlight II seems like an understatement. It doesn’t “boast” the price tag that other titles might have. The title gleefully demolishes the archaic perception that “cost equals quality.” I easily spent as much time with Torchlight II as I did with others like it, such as Titan Quest, and I’m looking forward to diving in again. Finishing the game unlocks a “Maproom,” where you can purchase maps that open up new dungeons to loot and bosses to fight and the game keeps generating more. You can also hit up a New Game Plus mode and start all of the quests with what you have.

Torchlight II eagerly empowers the player with many of the things that made classic ARPGs great, and then it builds even more into the formula. It’s perfect for an hour of your time or an online weekend binge with friends. Like many of the things in this game, it’s up to the player on how they want to play it. For those who are still looking to fill their pockets with coins, collect mysterious weapons from a faraway land, and carefully craft their avatar, adventurers can’t go wrong with Torchlight II.

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