Torchlight II Development Update

Runic Games’ Travis Baldree is keeping us updated on the status of Torchlight II’s development with a new forum post, which I guess could be summarized by saying that the team is almost wrapped up with act 2 polish and has also been doing some bugfixing work. Here’s on act 2:

I’m now done with everything in Act 2 except the last boss – which I hope to mostly complete over the weekend. There will probably be a few trailing animations and FX that get picked up on Monday, but my aim is to be wrapped on Act 2 at that point. This makes me very happy. I think Act 2 has turned out really well, and am pretty jazzed about how very different it feels from the other acts. I was hoping to be done with the whole Act by the end of the week, but didn’t quite make it, largely due to some unexpected bugs cropping up that chewed up a good day and a half of time.

We ended up putting together some new art this week for the three superchampions in Act 2 part 2 ( which are part of a boss chain ), and they came out pretty cool. Their previous incarnation was ‘meh’, and this is a big improvement.

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