Top 5 Games (April 2016)

It has been over six months since I last wrote one of my top five played games lists and there have been a lot of changes. In fact only one game is on both lists and that’s dropped three places. So what are the top five games that occupy my gaming time on either my PC or my iOS mobile device.

5. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (Previous Rank 2)

Warlords of Draenor logo WoW World of Warcraft

As it often does a few months before the next expansion patch, World of Warcraft has dropped from being number two all the way down to lowly number 5. I still care enough to log on occasionally just to check if I’ve fished up the sea-turtle from the garrison harbors fishing net’s, but that’s pretty much it. I started yet another hunter (My favourite class) on a completely new server, just to try survival spec, though this ultimately become pointless as Survival spec released in Legion will be unrecognisable from what it is now. It won’t be long before I cancel my subscription for this to save a bit of money before Legions release.

Futurama Game of Drones Image4. Futurama (No previous rank)

The latest in a fairly long line of match three games (or in this case four) is the pun-heavy titled Futurama: game of Drones. There’s not much to the game, you match four of a colour to destroy various robots. In essence it’s a Candy Crush clone. I know and I vowed never to be caught by a game like that, but in its defence it looks good and I usually run out of lives after 10 minutes of playing anyway, so it’s not a huge time sink. I know, it’s not good and it’s gaming in the worst possible way, but I keep going back to it… for now.

3. Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds (No previous rank)

Now this one is a surprise, I was asked to review this Indie Game for another site, and I wasn’t expecting it to be as addictive and playable as it turned out to be. The structure of Tasty Planet is very similar to the microbial stage of the game Spore. The basic rule being, consume anything smaller than you and avoid anything larger until you’ve grown big enough to eat them too. It’s a simple premise that sees you travel through time, controlling a ravenous grey blob on his quest to eat everything. This highly enjoyable wonder of modern gaming is available on the iOS and from Steam.

Star Trek Timelines Icon2. Star Trek Timelines (No previous rank)

It appeared on my top five free 1OS games list a few months ago, and Star Trek Timelines is still something I regularly log in to. I’m a bit of a Trekkie anyway so it wouldn’t take much to get me excited about a Star Trek game. Now Star Trek Timelines includes ship upgrades, and special events there are even more things to do and even more ways to equip and train your motley crew of Star Trek Universe characters.

1. Fallout 4 (No previous rank)

There’s no surprise that Fallout 4 is my current biggest game highlight. With new DLC being released every month and the soon to be added Survival Mode peering round the corner, Fallout 4 is the game that just keeps giving. I’m on my third or fourth play through now, although admittedly only one of those has got to the end of the main story line. I’m just having so much fun, trying out new play styles and mods. Fallout 4 is giving me as much fun and enjoyment (maybe even a little more) as Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim did, so is very deserving of its number one spot.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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