Todd Howard Q&A

GameSpot was able to conduct a Q&A session with the project leader of Morrowind, Todd Howard, to find out how he feels about the game now that both the PC and Xbox versions are finished. Here’s a bit of what they talk about:

    Q: The locations in Morrowind all have a unique, stylized look. How much time was spent on creating the art for the game? Is the final product close to what the development team originally envisioned?

    A: I’d say it looks better than we originally envisioned, in how it all comes together, in how the world feels when you walk around it. We spent the bulk of our time creating art and building the world. We do a lot of concept work, but often those things are isolated–you don’t get the sense from concept work of walking from one town to another. So that’s one of the first things we did–build a town and a road and walk to another location. Part of that is figuring out how far things need to be apart to feel right.

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