Three Days of The Matrix Online, Part One

IGN PC has begun a new series entitled “Three Days of The Matrix Online”, with the first installment offering an interview about the game’s ongoing beta with producer Joe Ybarra. An excerpt to follow:

Q: What are the key features (in terms of both game design and technology) being tested in the beta? What features aren’t included in the beta?

A: As mentioned before, the team isn’t giving much of the storyline away during the beta, and there are a few other features being added that I’m not at liberty to speak of. However, almost everything else is being given a thorough workout: the fast paced and exciting “wire-fu” combat technology; the full range of disciplines (ability packages) and swappable abilities (individual skills); the scalable mission system; the PvP constructs. The testers have given excellent feedback on many of these areas and the team is integrating fixes and changes rapidly.

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