Things D&D Veterans Should Know About DDO

GamerGod has written up a new article entitled “Things D&D Veterans Should Know As They Play DDO”, in which they take a closer look at the differences between the tabletop and MMO versions. Some of you may not care for the alignment and class tweaks:

DDO uses the standard alignment system from D&D, with the exception that player characters can not be an evil alignment. (Monsters, of course, often are evilly aligned.) DDO does not enforce (roleplaying) of alignment. NPCs in Eberron are fairly neutral when it comes to dealing with player characters and aren’t much concerned with your alignment; they’re typically more interested in what you can do or have done to solve their problems than your philosophy on like. But certain magic items and spells are keyed to alignment. For example, Protection from Evil spells will grant you protection against evil creatures, and magic weapons and armor can be keyed to specific alignment types and thus give bonuses for/against appropriately aligned creatures.

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