The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf Screens, Blog

In addition to releasing four new screenshots from The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf, CD Projekt has updated their blog on IGN with an entry that discusses the console version’s production.

Ok, ok, you might be wondering how many people are working on the game if we have so many consoles? It’s not so easy to determine, considering I’m not an award-winning mathematician, but we’ve done our best to figure it out. Almost 80 people are involved in production of the game! That number includes a host of programmers, graphic artists, testers, animators, designers and… one cleaning lady. Now you know where all that coffee goes…

Among the many things that have been changed for Rise of the White Wolf’s debut on consoles, one is really recognizable it’s the new Geralt model. In comparison to the PC version, the number of polygons has been increased to 15 million polygons! Thanks to that, Geralt is more detailed and realistic than ever before.

I guess it’s good to be a console gamer.

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