The Witcher Review

The guys at ActionTrip have cranked out a very enthusiastic review of The Witcher, giving CD Projekt’s debut RPG an overall score of 91/100.

Though not quite perfect, The Witcher is a diamond in the rough. It pains me to see that this one isn’t getting even more attention from the press or even better scores. The only reason I can see is that the reviewers themselves are going with the flow so to speak. In this day and age of shallow and heavily compromised games that are after cheap thrills backed up by ridiculous sums of money spent on pretentious marketing campaigns, The Witcher truly stands out. This was a labor of love, one that PC gamers have to acknowledge and reward. We want more games like this.

I’m just glad to see that other non-RPG websites are willing to give this game the credit it deserves.

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