The Witcher E3 Previews

A couple more previews of CD Projekt’s The Witcher have reached the ‘net, both of which are based on the demo shown during this year’s E3. The first is at Gamers With Jobs:

The setting is reminiscent of medieval Europe, but completely ravaged by years of war, poverty, and disease. It’s a weakened, dysfunctional society, embroiled in racial and political conflict, that has begun to fall prey to darker forces and evil creatures. CD Project didn’t reveal much about the plot except to say that the main character, a semi-human Witcher with long white hair and reptilian yellow eyes, finds himself a central figure in an effort to prevent some greater evil.

And the second is at

The combat system has also been totally overhauled. We were told that there were over 200 combat moves rendered to make each fight different from the last. Combat has been set up to include the possibility, for players and NPCs, of bleeding, stunning and crippling pain. Combat will be conducted in real time and players will be able to customize their fighting with over 250 special abilities and half a dozen supernatural abilities called (Signs).

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