The Witcher 2 Xbox 360 Interview

Polish videogame website Polygamia asked CD Projekt’s Tomasz Gop some fans’ questions about The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings’ Xbox 360 version, which have been translated in English by a fan on Giant Bomb. It’s certainly worth a read, despite the repetitions and the reiteration of already known information. Here’s a snippet:

27. Have you ever considering asking Namco Bandai for help on developing the PS3 version? Or are not close enough with them?
Being close is not key here. Our experience taught us that if we want to be certain of reaching top quality, we have to make everything ourselves. Market is filled with ports made in cooperation or by third parties and it’s often clear that there was not as much heart put in a game as there would be if the main developer worked on it.

28. What about the ‘Rise Of The White Wolf’?
Unfortunately, it’s still suspended. If something changes in that matter, I’m sure you’ll notice 😉

40. Why the LIES that you’re not working on a console version, that “PC-only right now and then we’ll see”? E3 is close and you’re ready with a console presentation!
We didn’t lie. Practically the whole team was working on PC, while saying that we’re also making our technology to be multiplatform ready. Thanks to this we can already show the game at E3.

Thanks RPGWatch.

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