The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings v2.0 Review

With CD Projekt RED’s ambitious version 2.0 patch for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings installed, the folks over at True PC Gaming took the game for a spin and have since put together a full review. No overall score is provided, but it’s clear that the author thoroughly enjoyed the game:

The Witcher 2 is the best RPG I’ve played in a long time. It has the most extensive non-linear story I have ever seen in a game and one of the most complex and fun combat systems. It is an experience that all gamers should have, there is so much to do, so much to see, so much fun to be had. The game recently dropped in price to $40 from $50 so you really have no excuse not to. The game took about 36 hours to complete and that was a run in which I tried to avoid my instinct to take every single side quest I could. Doing the side quests would easily double that time, and the game receives regular updates which in addition to fixes, add new content to the game.

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