The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Reviews

A trio of new reviews for The Witcher 2 are upon us, starting with the Zero Punctuation video critique that reinforces the fact that Yahtzee seeks to provide entertainment rather than any real substance. Next, we move on to Guardian for a scoreless message:

There’s a good 25-30 hours of adventuring to be had from Witcher’‰2 before reaching a climax that, sadly, isn’t really worthy of the story that precedes it, but which should not serve as a disincentive from taking the journey in the first place. It should be noted, however, that it is a trip liberally peppered with some extraordinarily explicit content; its 18 certificate is not offered lightly.

Before proceeding to Witcher2Game for a 4/5:

Assassins of Kings is a strong successor to the original Witcher, and with a plethora of different plot twists and different possibilities for alliances, enmities and a substantial helping of life-or-death choices to be made at the end of the game, there’s a lot of potential for replay and further exploration. I look forward to revisiting Temeria and the other Northern Kingdoms in future games, and Geralt’s future in the Witcher 3.

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