The Waylanders Updates – Companion Previews

A couple of fresh Kickstarter updates for Gato Salvaje Studio’s Dragon Age-inspired time travel RPG The Waylanders introduce us to the game’s potential companions. The first of those is Khaldun, an Egyptian necromancer, and the second is Delba, a Fomorian princess. Here’s what Khaldun is all about:

Khaldun is in her mid twenties, and is intelligent as hell. The eldest daughter of a noble family in Meroe, in The Kingdom of Kush, she was sent to Egypt as a young teenager and educated in the best schools Alexandria could offer. She relocated to Brigantia with Queen Escota and Prince Lugaid five years ago. Khaldun can read, write, and speak nearly a dozen languages, and can tell you anything about the vast pantheons of Nubian & Egyptian gods and goddesses without checking reference materials.

Khaldun prefers to wear clothing styles that reflect her adopted Egyptian culture. These costumes and styles may seem foreign and overly elegant to her Celtic peers, but Khaldun doesn’t mean them that way, and she doesn’t care. She is proud of her heritage.

Her necromantic powers come from her unwavering faith in the Egyptian pantheon, and she is a devoted priestess to the god Osiris. This may put her into direct conflict with some of your devout Celtic party members on occasion.

Khaldun views sex and romance quite separately. She’s generally down to play a little, but if you want to fully romance her, she wants you all to herself. She’s had a few bad experiences with some open relationships since moving to the land of the Celts, and she needs to know that she’s your one and only. If you’re not willing to commit to her, and only to her, she won’t have any reservations about ending things. But if you do commit, she is a powerful and loving partner.

And here’s what you can expect from Delba:

Delba is the youngest daughter of the Fomorian king. Still centuries old, she is one of the youngest Fomorians in general. Her mother disappeared to the surface when she was a child, and she’s been obsessed with exploring the human world since. Delba has a vision that the Fomorians will be able to show the humans that they’re not monsters, and will one day find a happier life on the surface.

She is enormous, and most people think she’s scary-looking… which she finds hilarious. She’s tough and violent when she needs to be, and doesn’t mind being that person… but she’d much rather be playing music and telling dirty jokes with her friends.

Optimistic to a fault, Delba wants the Fomorians to stop living in the shadows, for them to plan a triumphant return to the surface. She hopes to inspire others to be more accepting of her kind, and will often neglect her own needs or wants in order to make people like her. Everything is Fomorian first for Delba- and when it comes to conflicts… she doesn’t care as much about morality as she does about practicality and pushing her own cause.

As a romance option, she’s awkwardly charming, and more interested in a deep emotional and intellectual connection than a sexual one. Delba loves to cuddle, and will happily lie with you under the stars telling funny stories all night long.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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