The Waylanders Update #33 – Heraklios

The latest Kickstarter update for Gato Salvaje Studio’s Dragon Age-inspired time travel RPG The Waylanders introduces us to Heraklios, a Greek mercenary who will be joining us on our journey. If you’re interested in a companion who’s good in a fight, follows a code of honor, and knows his way around Greek mythology, then Heraklios is your guy:


A greek mercenary in his early twenties, Heraklios loves glory more than anything else in the world. He insists that ever fight be as fair as possible, almost to the point of an obsession. He will sometimes make a situation substantially harder on himself just so that he can live up to that sense of fairness.

Outside of combat situations, Heraklios is slightly awkward, sweet, and full of bravado. He’s very traditionally masculine in a number of ways- including his love of beer, his belly laugh, and his penchant for dad jokes. Heraklios tries to stand up for injustice anywhere he sees it, but this can get him into trouble when he intervenes where he isn’t wanted. Essentially- he’s a loveable frat boy. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of Greek legends and myths, and will recount them… loudly, and with many embellishments… to anyone who asks. Or doesn’t ask.

Heraklios struggles with impostor syndrome. Despite being unbelievably skilled and qualified, he never feels like he is enough- he thinks that all of his accomplishments have been lucky breaks, and that his failures have been deserved. He wants to prove to himself that he can earn glory, that he can earn love. That he is worth it. Heraklios’s biggest dream would be to go down in history as a hero himself, and to feel like he really, truly deserved it.

As a lover, Heraklios is selfless and fun. He’s fine with you having other lovers or pursuing your interests, but he wants to know that he is your number one guy. He may come across as an unrepentant ladies man, but if you prioritize him, he’ll prioritize you right back.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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