The Undead of Guild Wars

A new feature on IGN PC reveals information and artwork for several undead creatures that players will face in ArenaNet’s Guild Wars. Check it out:

The undead are extremists; they are either very intelligent or completely mindless. Because of this disparity, animating the army proved to be quite a difficult task. Those without flesh have no musculature, so they are not as bound by gravity or inertia as a human character. The power of their spells literally courses through their bones. The animators really tried to emphasize the fact that those who cast spells are on the high end of the intelligence curve. Look closely at the mannerisms of the mounted warlock or the damned cleric: you can see a great amount of power and majesty (and a fair bit of suffering as well) in their spell-casting movements. They clearly have a calm sense of their origins, of self, and of their own inherent superiority, which they convey through posture, gesture, and their actions during battle.

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