The Secret World: Still Sucking VG247 In Six Months On

VG247’s Brenna Hillier has penned an editorial on The Secret World, Funcom’s latest and so far not particularly lucky MMO, describing her experience as she dives back into the title six months after launch.

Here’s a snip:

It started so innocently one afternoon. (Help me do a few of the last quests in Kingsmouth; they’re too hard for me to solo.) Then it was 0200 and we’d smashed our way through two zones and were ready to hit up a third.

It turns out going back to redo older quests can be pretty rewarding, especially if you’re in a group and can speed through. My housemate was earning reasonable experience and more importantly ability points and skill points, handed out with lavish abandon as quests are completed, which in this level-free game are how you count your progress.

It’s an odd sort of progress, though. The gigantic number in the middle of your ability wheel, which shows how far along you are towards achieving everything, doesn’t really mean much. A much less progressed character with a clever build adapted fot the situation has a better chance of success and survival.

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