The MMORPGs of 2005, Part Two

MMORPGDot is offering up the second installment to their “MMORPGs of 2005” feature, this time taking a look at some of the lesser known titles slated for release this year. Included in the list are games such as Hero’s Journey, Citizen Zero, and Mourning. A little something about Hero’s Journey:

Simutronics is not new to MMORPGs having behind them GemStone IV and DragonRealms, both text-based, but Hero’s Journey is going to be their first graphical game. Hero’s Journey takes place in the post-apocalyptic world of Elanthia, where several civilizations, under the Triumvirate, try to raise from its ruins. Not much has been revealed about the gameplay except that one of the races, the Ilvaris, have pointy ears (That must be the First Law of a fantasy setting). The devs have made it clear that they are not aiming for the same audience as their previous games, concentrating their efforts this time round on action.

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