The Matrix Online Preview is offering up a preview of The Matrix Online, based upon the time they’ve spent in the game’s ongoing beta. Check it out:

Redpills (as players are known) must choose sides in a three-way conflict. All players begin on the side of the humans, but may later choose to side with the machines or the Merovingian. Each faction offers missions that increase the player’s standing with them, while decreasing the standing with the others. Freelance contacts are also available, but must be encountered before they may be contacted via phone. The mission system is dynamic and sends players running through the city, entering buildings and achieving objectives. Standard missions are categorized and allow the player to gain some experience by escorting an NPC, assassinating someone from an opposing faction, or other tasks. Critical missions advance the player within the faction, giving him experience and reputation. Switching teams is possible as well. Tired of aiding the Merovingian? Call the Agent contact and assist the machines for a while. Just be aware that the reputation you’ve been building with the exiles will decrease as you start to assist the machines.

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