The Matrix Online Preview is the latest website to jack into The Matrix Online and kick out a preview based on their time inside. A snippet to follow:

After configuring my look, I’m given the choice of specialising as a soldier, a spy or hacker. “Each character can acquire and load Ability Codes for each mission, allowing an unprecedented degree of customisation and flexibility,” explains Ragaini as I ready myself to jack back in. “The future of the Matrix literally takes place in The Matrix Online. The Wachowski Brothers and Paul Chadwick (the scriptwriter) have created a year-long outline that includes all the major movie characters that survived The Matrix Revolutions. I even got a call from Andy Wachowski the other day and he was telling me about his character in the Beta test. That’s how involved the Wachowskis are.” As his words fade I feel a searing stabbing pain in my head causing me to wince in agony. I open my eyes. I’m in.

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