The Matrix Online Interview

OGaming has published an interview with Monolith’s William Westwater, in which the producer talks about the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG, The Matrix Online. An excerpt to follow:

Q: Are there group missions which will require a whole crew or even a faction to complete as a whole and could you give us an example?

A: Yes, The Matrix Online includes many group missions. At the beginning of the story, we face a tense peace – or as some might say, a cold war. The Brother’s set a theme for the game’s first year: Peace, and the things humanity will do to wreak it. As the story unfolds, you will be forced to take sides in open struggle against your fellow man. For those focused on the story, you may unravel the clues into the fate of the Matrix that unlock special missions – which can only be completed by group strategy and planning. As with the real world, it’s best to have friends.

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