The Matrix Online Interview

The Matrix Vault has conducted an interview with Monolith’s Toby Ragaini, asking the lead designer several questions about their upcoming MMORPG, The Matrix Online. Check it out:

Q: Could you give examples of the types of missions that will be available? What types of reward will the player reap from this element of the gameplay?

A: Missions are divided into two major categories: Organization Missions, and Local Missions. As mentioned previously, the three initial Organizations (Zion, The Machines, and The Merovingian) will attempt to recruit new players into their ranks. The more missions you complete for an Organization, the higher your reputation becomes. If you maintain a high reputation, you will get access to more sensitive missions; missions that move the story forward and reveal secrets of the Matrix.

Local Missions are on a more personal scale. There are Exiles hiding out within the Matrix. Some are bad, some are good, but, like people, most are in-between. You can choose to work for these Exiles, and they will offer you various kinds of rewards. Some might even have unique Codes that only they know how to create.

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