The Matrix Online Impressions

IGN PC has written up a two-page preview of The Matrix Online, based upon their initial impressions of the game now that it has hit store shelves. Here’s a taste:

Though the story elements haven’t hit their stride yet, you’ll still be able to take a part in the three-way conflict in the game. When you start, you’ll have to work exclusively for Zion. After you’ve proved yourself, representatives of both the Machines and the Merovingian will contact you. You can then choose to start working for them. Since each of these factions is working at cross-purposes, you won’t be able to switch back and forth building up a good reputation with each. You can get missions every once in a while from characters you meet in the street, but most missions are delivered via a handy phone you carry with you. You can use this phone to call up your contacts and get missions right away.

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