The Matrix Online Guided Tour #6

GameSpy continues their series of “guided tours” for Monolith’s The Matrix Online, with the sixth installment taking us to the Toppan area. A snippet:

Toppan Industrial Park

As the namesake for the neighborhood, it’s no surprise that the Toppan Industrial Park dominates the area. Composed of a dozen or so manufacturing and processing plants, the area is crisscrossed with pipes and service areas to provide for the raw material needs of the companies operating there. Some also carry away extremely toxic byproducts, which have proven a hazard for residents of the area on occasion.

The industrial park contains major production and processing facilities for Kalt Corporation, Pendhurst-Amaranth, and a number of smaller companies. The Kalt Corporation plants churn out Trepanex headache medicine and products for their Lareau brand of cosmetics, while Pendhurst-Amaranth’s facility here produces almost a quarter of the Wild Tundra brand of cigarettes consumed by the company’s customers. Due to increasing sales, Pendhurst-Amaranth will soon add another production facility for their Tastee Wheat breakfast-food product.

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