The Matrix Online Developer Journal #1

In RPGVault’s first developer journal for The Matrix Online, lead designer Toby Ragaini reveals his thoughts on why many types of gamers will find the MMORPG appealing. Here’s a little something to get you started:

At Monolith, we’re in the MMO business for the long haul. We want to earn long-term, satisfied customers, so we’re making a great MMO – that happens to be based on the Matrix.

To this end, we identified opportunities to improve the core MMORPG gameplay experience.

First, we’ve reduced the time requirement. Many people don’t have three-hour timeslots to devote to gaming, and they shouldn’t need to. We’ve based missions in The Matrix Online around half-hour experiences that link together to form a story. That means that in a half-hour, you can log in, complete a mission, have a complete narrative experience, and feel like you’ve made progress in the game.

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