The Lord of the Rings Online Preview has put together a preview of The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, after spending some firsthand time with Turbine’s upcoming Middle-Earth MMORPG. An excerpt to follow:

Questing, like in most MMORPGs, is a very large deal here. LOTRO is in the unique position of telling a story during one of the most well-known stories in modern times. Imagine someone releasing The Other Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, and having it take place during the course of the original novels. Great care will have to be taken to insure the integrity of the original plot. Story will certainly not be lacking, however. The quest arc I saw was huge, and I’m told it was one of the shorter ones of story-length. The arcs, in fact, can take a character all the way through its development, “and then some.” Turbine is intelligent enough to know not everyone can get online for six to ten hours at a time, so they have incorporated many shorter, but just as entertaining and rewarding, quest lines. Players can sign on for 45 minutes or four to five hours, and either way they will enjoy themselves.

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