The Lord of the Rings Online Developer Diary

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with a new developer diary, in which both Cardell “Annuvin” Kerr and Jesse “Vastin” King talk about the game’s accomplishments and titles systems.

What are Accomplishments? Well, in the broader sense of things, they are quests that just kind of sit in the world background, keeping track of all kinds of things that you do as you go about your virtual lives in Middle-earth. Strangely, the bulk of this activity seems to revolve around fighting and killing things. Who’d have thought?

Unlike quests, Accomplishments aren’t particularly directed. There isn’t some NPC telling you to complete them as quickly as possible, lest the dark forces overwhelm you all – they just kind of happen in the course of your day to day business trudging through dark orc-pits and scaling mountains that in any more realistic setting would result in some very unpleasant frostbite debuff effects – particularly for those ridiculously unshod Hobbit runts.

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