The Iron Oath Update #51 – PAX East, Community Discord

The latest Kickstarter update for The Iron Oath informs us that the gritty turn-based RPG will be showcased at the upcoming PAX East (February 27-March 1). It also directs us towards the game’s official Discord server and its Steam page that should soon feature regular development updates. Check it out:

Hi backers!

A few months ago we mentioned we had some exciting news to share but weren’t able to do so at the time. We’re now able to, and are extremely excited to announce that we will be taking The Iron Oath to PAX East in Boston later this month! We will be showcasing it in the Indie MegaBooth along with a bunch of other awesome developers from February 27-March 1. We hope that some of you can stop by to say hi and try out the game!

Below is s a cropped view of the floor plan so you can see where exactly we’re situated!


The Iron Oath Discord Server

We’ve opened up our Discord server to the public! Everyone is welcome to join and we encourage you to do so invite your friends too! A few channels will remain private to the higher tier backers, but now everyone will be able to join in on general discussion. You can find it here:

With Steam’s new events & announcements feature, we’re going to start posting regular dev logs on there as well. You can head over to our Steam page to comment and give them a thumbs-up, in addition to adding the game to your Wishlist if you haven’t yet (which helps with visibility). While there, you may also notice that we’ve updated our logo and key art in time for PAX, both of which we’re very happy with!

We still have some things to do prior to PAX, so it’s back to work for us now, but we’ll be back next month to give you a recap and share some other news! Thanks for reading, and we hope you’re enjoying the long weekend!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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