The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Preview

Neocore Games’ The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is the subject of a new E3-based preview, and this time it’s the editors over at the Examiner providing the details. Read on for a little info on the game’s combat mechanics:

Van Helsing’s weapons of choice are a sword, a firearm, and alchemical magic, each of which also represents a different ‘˜tree’ for character development (there are no classes in the game. Your class is Van Helsing!). There are 5 characteristics as well, 3 corresponding to your preferred specialty (Dexterity, Will, Magic) and 2 general ones (Body, Luck). There will also be an extensive potion crafting system.

In addition to the ever popular Health and Mana pools, Van Helsing also builds up Rage points as he fights (he’s perpetually angry at monsters). Rage basically unlocks and powers up his skills and special abilities.

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