The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Interview

There’s an interview with Neocore Games community manager Orsolya Tóth up on ARPGamer this evening, with the primary focus of the Q&A being The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, their forthcoming co-op friendly action RPG.  A taste:

ARPGamer: A unique use of loot collection has been mentioned before with regards to Van Helsing’s (lair.) According to your website, Van Helsing will be able to decorate his lair with trophies. Can you expand upon that?

Orsolya: These trophies on your wall will grant you different kinds of permanent bonuses during the game. There are many other lair-actions by the way, but we don’t want to spoil the fun just yet.

ARPGamer: After The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is released, that will likely keep gamers busy for a long while. Gaming studios are making it a common practice of increasing the replayability and end-game experience by releasing additional content post-release. After the game launches, do you plan on releasing any new downloadable content?

Orsolya: Well, first we’d like to finish the game and if there’s a need later for extra content, we definitely wouldn’t say no. We already have some incomplete ideas in mind about some extra content we could use to expand the universe and keep our community busy but nothing specific yet that I could talk about.

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