The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III Patch v1.0.1 Released

A first patch for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III has been released, which includes a small number of bugfixes and some polishing for Neocore’s action-RPG threequel. Here’s the full changelog:


  • Acheivementy will be apllied on Steam as well
  • In multiplayer you could start Neverending Story mode, it has been fixed.
  • Battle Royal PVP mode received a map picture
  • Aura’s secondary skill can be unlearned properly from now
  • Several spots have been fixed, where you could fall off from the map
  • Chests which were unreachable have been fixed
  • Defence enchantment on items will be applied to your global defense rate from now.
  • Rocket Barrage’s damage won’t decrease when upgrading from lvl4 t lvl5
  • Missing strings have been fixed
  • Potion related tooltips have been modified
  • Metacritic link at chapter’s end will point to Van Helsing III page instead of II
  • Trophy table used wrong strings
  • Pathing error when you tried to reach your stash has been fixed


  • Steam overlay related issues have been fixed Above 1080p trap build menu won’t appear offscreen


  • Impending Doom debuff will work as intended.


  • The Skill reset option will save the changes from now on
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