The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Hunter’s Lair Trailer

In the latest trailer for Neocore Games’ “gothic noir” action RPG, we’re treated to a two-minute introduction to the lair we’ll be calling home, as well as the deployable and upgradeable traps we’ll be utilizing in order to keep it well-defended against a legion of beasts:


 On to the official description:

The Hunter’s Lair will function as a central hub for players to stash collected loot, trade with non-playable characters, accept new quests from allies who join the resistance against the scientific scourge, teleport between locations, utilize the alchemy lab, and opens up the opportunity for a tower-defense mini-game when enemies attempt to raid the lair. Built by the father of the protagonist, the lair comes equipped with a power-generator that permits access to deployable traps and many other upgradable functions to defend hordes of despicable enemies that want to rid the world of Van Helsing.

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