The Archmage: Stabat Mater Wave

The indescribably popular, stupifyingly hyped up RPG Archmage: Stabat Mater, the game that might redefine our very existence, that might make immersiveness a reality, fantasy our new unbreakable paradigm… yes, that game… it’s nearly finished.

And the pleasure goes to RPGplanet for breaking more news to you with an interview that was I’m sure impossibly hard to get. Only because it’s common to post a fragment of an interview, and despite my reservations, with complete deference to RPGplanet here’s a snippet:

RPGplanet: What is the story and purpose behind the single-player game?

Henry the Director: In the beginning, there was a creature known as Mater, who discovered the five forms of magic.

Though it’s a windows default to have the homepage for Archmage: Stabat Mater as the first favorite for Internet Explorer, and even though the address is to us recalled as easily as our first name, here’s the official site for those suffering from amnesia:

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