The History of Star Wars Games

The folks at UGO have released a four-page history of Star Wars video games, ranging from Atari’s The Empire Strikes Back to both Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic titles. Here’s a snip for KotOR fans:

The best part of the modern era of Star Wars games is also the predecessor to the game that we are here to honor. Knights of the Old Republic, the first true Star Wars role-playing game, was nearly everything that we could have hoped it would be. Developed by RPG experts BioWare, KOTOR was set 4,000 years before the films and thrust players right into the middle of an epic story. It was heralded as one of the best games of last year by nearly every game related media outlet and while KOTOR II is being handled by Obsidian Entertainment instead of BioWare, fans have still been chomping at the bit for the sequel since the first one came out.

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