The Future of Game Design, Part One

IGN Xbox has kicked up a new four-page article in which they offer some development suggestions for future Xbox games, including several RPG-related enhancements. Here’s one to get you started:

Continuity in Series

In the early 1990s, PC games used to ship in series. They used to enable players to take their built-up character from one game and use it in the next. The idea rewards players who have played the game and encourages them to buy the sequel. It’s pretty easy to do, and it forces the next game in the series to be more than just a game that fixes all the old problems. EA’s “EA Bios” were based on a similar set of ideas, although theirs rewarded gamers playing a variety of EA games with bonus character, stats, and surprises. EA cancelled this feature in its sports titles.

But how cool would it be to take your character from Fable, KOTOR or even Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal and bring it into the next set of games fully built up? It should a standard in most games in the next generation.

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