The Final Days of Asheron’s Call 2 has published a two-page article that details the final days prior to the December 30th shutdown of Turbine’s Asheron’s Call 2. What a shame…

Online worlds are, of course, more than just playlands for slaughtering ogres and collecting magic chain mail. They’re social hangouts where players sit around shooting the breeze about their lives, their jobs, their favorite music. “That gives one an odd sense of home. And no one likes to see their homes be demolished,” said Chris Thorn, a 26-year-old player in Arlington, Virginia.

The economy has also tanked. When the announcement first came down, players say, a majority of gamers immediately fled. Previously, you’d log on and find several hundred people online; now you’ll get nine or 10. High-powered character accounts used to sell for as much as $500, but the online auctions have gone silent. That’s partly because, as the end nears, Turbine is tossing out some freebies and giving away more “rare” items, making them less rare. Without a sense of a future, capitalism ends. There’s no demand in a condemned world.

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