The Fall Interview

GameSpy has conducted an interview with Silver Style’s Carsten Strehse, asking the lead designer four pages of questions concerning their upcoming post-apocalyptic RPG, The Fall: Last Days of Gaia. A taste:

Q: What kind of RPG system are you using? A public one like d20, or a proprietary one you’ve created?

A: The Fall is not based on any other system. There are traditional attributes like strength, intelligence, charisma, agility, dexterity, and constitution — which most players are familiar with — along with fourteen other skills such as survival, driving, lockpicking, and engineering.

If a skill reaches a particular level, you can learn a talent. For instance, survival experts may learn a better way to set up a camp, which improves the hit-point regeneration of the party. Altogether there are five talents per skill; you can pick only three of them throughout the game though. Some of them are dependent on the skill level and will not be available right at the beginning.

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